Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Roi with Reo "Princess", the sister he wished from God

Most probably because, Roi knows his condition...he secretly wished to God to have a younger sister who will be her nurse someday. Truly, God granted his wish....Reo was born on February 28, 2004....a belated bday gift to my son on his 7th day.

by: RB Dolot

My son, restlessness embraced me,
The moment I knew your heart ailment.
At the age of four months old,
Why should you have that fate?

For nine months,
I conceived and delicately nurtured you.
Never did I imagine,
That congenital heart disease be your suffering.

Open-heart surgery, your only way to live.
It entails a very huge amount,
that for needy like us,
we cannot really afford.

Ten years have passed,
Open-heart surgery never happened.
Several specialists were astonished,
It’s miracle for them, that keeps you surviving.

In your innocence, you uttered,
“Worry no more”.
For destiny you have already accepted,
To ALMIGHTY GOD you offer your whole life.