Thursday, December 3, 2009

LETTERS TO DR. JOVEN R. CUANANG, Medical Director of St. Luke's Medical Center

My whole family owe a lifetime gratitude to all those kind-hearted people who helped us in terms of financial, moral and spiritual support as we journey Roi's struggle against his heart condition (CHD) since he was 4 months old. Among them were Dr. Willie and Liza Ong, founder of the Movement of Idealistic and Nationalistic Doctors (MIND). It was Dr. Willie who suggested me to write a letter to Dr. Cuanang, the Medical Director of St. Luke's Medical Center to facilitate the case presentation of my son. He told me to name drop him since they were good friends.

While our waiting ended with a negative result, yet I was so thankful for Dr. Cuanang's kindness for his immediate action on my request.

Below is the full text of my letter-request and thank you letter.

April 15, 2008

Medical Director
St. Luke's Medical Center
Quezon City

Dear Dr. Cuanang.

Warmest greetings to you!

Sir, I just hope and pray that you can share a little of your precious time to read this letter.

It was thru the kindness of Dr. Willie T. Ong, Adult Cardiologist at the Manila Doctor's Hospital and a writer/columnist in the Philippine Star, Pilipino Ngayon and PM (Pangmasa) as I knew him, who gave your name and avised me to seek your assistance. I haven't met him personally. I just sent and email to him requesting a favor to publish the Tula I composed out of love, pity and despair, hoping someone could help me turn the said tula into a song dedicated for the 11th birthday of my son last February 15, 2008 and to all children with congenital heart disease that remians untreated due to financial constraints. Through his kindness, the said Tula was published in the April 6th issue of the tabloid PM (copy attached).

As I searched your name in the web, I was hesitant at first to send you this letter knowing your present position in the society. I have that fear that you don't have extra time to attend to this letter. However, I don't want to miss this little opportunity for the sake of my son and taking into consideration the efforts and concern of Dr. Ong in trying his best to help my son.

Sir, this pertains to the pending case of my son at the St. Luke's Medical Center. We were so thankful and fortunate that we had qualified to avail the social/charity service given by the said hospital to needy patients like us last November 2007. On January 30, 2008, he underwent cardiac catheterization performed by Dr. Eduardo Manrique, Pedia-Cardio Consultant, Dr. Euniel A. Solinap, Fellow, Pedia Cardiologist and Dra. Elizabeth Etoralde, Resident Physician, among others and was diagnosed to have CHD, severe pulmonary valve stenosis, ASD, MAPCAs and right ventricular failure. He was supposed to have his open heart surgery last February 2008, however, during his check up on February 8, 2008, Dr. Edison T. Ty, Pedia-Cardio Consultant who performed his 2D echo did not approve the said open heart surgery. Instead, he instructed Dr. Solinap to refer again to the service conference of pedia-cardio consultants and surgeons the result of the cardiac catheterization for final resolution and/or action - whether or not my son could still undergo open heart surgery. We reported for his regular check ups last March 4 and 25, 2008 hoping that his case had already been presented to the service conference. However, we were informed that due to the number of patients under this program, we really ahvwe to wait. Dr. Solinap and Dra. Grace C. Paguia, however, assured us that we shall be informed accordingly regarding the result once my son's case be presented to the service conference.

Sir, I hope you would understand my situation. We are now back to our home at Brgy. Cantariwis, Tolosa, Leyte since my sister in law whom we temporarily reside at Villa EspaƱa II, Tatalon, Quezon City had already transferred to Montalban, Rizal. We could no longer afford to stay in Manila and wait for the indefinite result of the service conference considering that we had already exhausted all our meager financial support. The only resources we have now intended for the operation of my son is the financial assistance in the amount of P80,000.00 pending at the PCSO Central Office subject to submission of the cost estimate for the said operation.

Sir, my son has no longer scheduled check up since his case has yet to be presented to the service conference. Likewise, Dr. Solinap is no longer with St. Luke's Medical Center effective April 1, 2008. As I experienced and based on existing policy of this program, every month the pedia cardio consultant and resident physician changes except for Dr. Euniel Solinap. While he informed me that he will try to discuss with Dr. Manrique regarding my son's case since he is no longer connected with the said hospital, I do believe that you are the right and best person who can assis us regarding my son's case. While it is really my son's wish to undergo the said procedure for he wants to continue his studies and live a normal life, I would however, trust the opinion and decision based on the result of the service conference whether my son could still undergo open heart surgery or not for I an confident that St. Luke's is one of the country's best hospital with the best doctors.

I knew my son is only among the hundreds or even thousands of children in our country suffering from heart ailment that remains untreated due to financial constraints. I really pity him for he has suffered since he was 4 months old. I am so thankful that through God's grace and mercy, he is surviving until now even without medication since his heart ailment has no prescribed medication, only surgical operation to correct the defects. However, as a loving mother I would be happier to see him properly treated and cured.

Sir, I do apologize for disturbing you. But I am fervently praying and hoping that through your kindness, presentation of my son's case to the service conference could be facilitated and miracles might happen.

Thank you and God bless you!

Very truly yours,



May 19, 2008

Medical Director
St. Lukes Medical Center
Quezon City

Dear Dr. Cuanang,

My warmest greetings to you!

Sir, I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for your favorable action on my request. Had not because of your intercession, perhaps until now we are still hoping for something that will never happen.

Dra. Tobias contacted me and requested if I can come to St. Luke’s so that the consultants could fully explain the result of the service conference regarding my son’s case. However, since I don’t really have money for my transportation expenses, I decided to request if I could talk to them through the phone. Fortunately, Dr. Jose Jonas del Rosario, contacted me through the phone. I called him and he was so kind enough to fully explain the result and final decision of the group. That definitely, open heart surgery is no longer possible for my son for it will only mean losing him. Instead, they are suggesting to repeat the cardiac catheterization, but this time a balloon shall be inserted in his pulmonary valve to lessen his cyanosis. Sir, much as we wanted this procedure, I was just honest enough to tell Dr. del Rosario that we could no longer afford to pay for the balloon. Last November 2007, we still have the money to shoulder the cost of the said balloon. During his cardiac catheterization last January 30, 2008, Dr. Solinap prepared a balloon (re-gas only) intended to be used but unfortunately it was not used by Dr. Manrique. All our meager financial resources were already exhausted for our 6 months stay in Manila. While we have financial assistance of P80,000.00 from PCSO, however, I doubt if it can be used to pay for the balloon.

Sir, as a mother, it is so painful to hear the final decision of the group. However, as I said in my letter to you, I would trust their opinion and final decision. Now I realized how blessed my son for he keeps surviving through God’s grace without medication. I do regret and blame ourselves that being financially hard up we were not able to give him the early treatment needed for his illness. Nevertheless, we did try our best even if it was already late. I know, my son will surely understand our situation.

I believed that what we’ve gone through.......the spending, waiting and hoping, were part of God’s plan for my son. Perhaps, it’s time to give up and just give our full trust to God for I believed HE has better plans for my son.

Sir, despite what happened, I still owe you a lifetime gratitude for your kindness in facilitating the presentation of my son’s case. My son and our whole family will always remember that a renowned doctor and businessman have the time and a big heart to accommodate a request of a charity patient. While I know that perhaps, you already have everything in life, I still pray for more God’s blessings to you since I believed that you can help lots of people in terms of job opportunity.

Sir, I am attaching a copy of Dr. Willie Ong’s email to me thanking you for your kind assistance.

Very truly yours,

Mother of Roi


Re: Letter to Dr. Joven Cuanang
Wednesday, 7 May, 2008 1:28 PM
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"Willie Ong"
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Hi Linda,

Got your letter and notes.

Please write a nice and heartfelt "thank you" letter to Dr. Joven Cuanang in advance.

- Write him na sabi ko "Dr. Cuanang is so kind and helpful. Very few people with his stature will still attend to the needs of poor patients."

- Tell him that "no matter what happens with the condition of your son, you will still be grateful to Dr. Cuanang for his sincere help."

- Tell him "you'll pray for more for his success."
Good luck and let's wait for the conference for your son.

Update me on what happens. Don't worry, we'll be with you all the way.

Hope to see you and your son one day...

Take care,

Willie and Liza


  1. this is really heart-warming. as a med student coming from Dr. Cuanang's alma mater, i should say that he's one of the few doctors who we should emulate. God bless to you and your family. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment. Truly, we owe him a lifetime gratitude. God bless too!

  3. Hi. My inaanak was just diagnosed with CHD today and her heart has a hole. She's only 8 weeks old. I don't know the details but I was told that the surgery would cost hundreds of thousands at the phil heart center. Her parents are poor: mother is a secretary of a small business, and the father takes on odd jobs just to make ends meet.
    i am already going to write DR. JOVEN R. CUANANG. Do you have any other contacts we can approach?
    Your reply will be sincerely appreciated. pls email me: thank you.

  4. Cathy thanks for visiting my son's blog.

  5. Sorry I don't have. But you can search his name in the web.

  6. dr cuanang is the best im one of his patients

  7. This is really heartbreaking. As a health professional, I have also been a witness to the struggles of our brothers and sisters who are financially challenged. And it breaks my heart to hear and know that due to health inequities appropriate healthcare cannot be provided.

    Please don't blame yourself as a parent for not being able to attend to all the health care needs of your son. To hear that is so saddening. Being the support system of your son since he was diagnosed with the heart disease is already a difficult task to bear and yet you were able to. I for one, was the primary caregiver of my lola who suffered from emphysema.

    God is good and just. One day, He will provide us all we need and we will all be equal. -FBar

  8. a brilliant and compassionate Filipino neurologist who i have always considered to be one of my role models. knowing and learning from him has been a great privilege. i take pride in calling him The Marcos of Philippine Medicine.
