Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fiesta celebration

Once again, we will celebrate our barangay fiesta in honor of Nuesta Sra. de Salvacion on May 15-16, 2011.

Biloi and her sisters are happy to attend and share candies with children after the daily novena which will end on May 15 with the traditional procession within our Barangay.  However, he is somewhat disappointed because both our barangay and church officials had not undertaken any repair on our dilapidated church despite that the church organization has existing funds. How I wish I could do something but we have also limited resources.  All we can contribute are candles and some goodies for the nine days novena. I knew Mama Mary will understand our limitations because we have done our part during Biloi's turn as mass sponsor.

Hopefully with God's continuous grace, we are hoping that Biloi will still reach 18 years old, which is 4 years from now and his 3rd time to be the Mass Sponsor as promised. (every 6 years of his existence). By that time, I believed we can again do major repair of our church.

While I am happy to celebrate and give thanks to God, to Mama Mary and to all Saints for thier intercession and to all the people for their prayers for my son's existence, I still have little fears that Biloi might have episode again of hemoptysis which first happened last May 16, 2007 and with minimal episode this April 24, 2011.

But I believed God is always good and he has all the best reasons for everything that happens to us. And Nuestra Sra. de Salvacion is always there for my son.



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