Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July 27, 2011 - Episode of hemoptysis again

Early morning on July 26, Biloi happily woke up and got himself for school.  As usual I thanked God for this blessings. 

He arrived home safe that day.  The next morning he again woke up ahead of me and went to school.  He did not brough food for lunch because he will render half-day in school.

I reported for work and was so busy that I wasn't able to check my cellphone.  At about 2 p.m. I read the text message of Unang, my househelper requesting me to call home because Biloi had hemoptysis.  My husband even send message to me to immediately go home.  He was also on his duty at their camp.  I called home and instructed Unang to let him take hemostan and drink more water.  I could not go home immediately due to pressing work in the office.

Despite the incident, I was still thankful to God because that day I drew the salary of my husband.  At lease I can buy medicine and foods for Biloi.  I went home at  4:00 p.m., arrived home almost 5:30 and was happy to see that Biloi is somewhat ok.  Past 6 p.m. his father also arrived from his duty.  Again, we explain to him that we could no longer admit him to the hospital due to financial constraint.  This time, his hemoptysis is mild compared that of July 2008 wherein we almost thought he could no longer recover.

Until now, Biloi could not report to school.  I just informed his Adviser and just contributed some amount of money for their acquintance party.  He has still minimal on an off episode of hemoptysis, hence I could not allow him to report to school yet. I even told him to stop schooling, but he insists to continue his studies.  It's because of his friends in school and his ambition to work in a car company someday.

He even saved P72.00 from his allowance and requested me to add some amount  and I bought him a Hot Wheels (Muscle Mania) '71 Dodge Charger with free Hot Wheels Poster which again makes him so happy despite his present condition.  I also bought him 4 pcs. of car magazine & Booksale.

We pray hard for his hemoptysis to stop so he could take his first grading examination next week.  I always believe that God will hear our prayers.

To God be the Glory!

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