Thursday, October 27, 2011

2nd grading examinations

After almost 3 months of absence from school  due to his hemoptysis (coughing of blood) and despite my fear of what would be his answers to the test questions for the 2nd grading period, Biloi had taken said examination last Wednesday, October 26. 

He woke up early that morning, eating only bread with 1 glass of milk as his breakfast.  He did not bring any food for his lunch since he anticipated that their exam would be given on a half-day session only.  I gave him P50.00 only for his snacks and blue book.  His Uncle Allan drove him to school together with his son using his motorcycle.  Mano Bening could no longer render driving services to Biloi because he and his wife are now selling native delicacies using his motorcycle.

I need to report to my work, hence I was not able to accompany him to school that morning.  At lunchtime, I called home thru cellphone and learned that he was not yet at home. I got worried knowing his condition especially that the weather was so hot and he has brought home his personal electric fan in their room.

Almost 4pm. I was glad to receive a text message from my nephew that Biloi is already at  home.  He rode on a motorcycle for hire and pay P15.00 fare since his Uncle Allan was no longer in Tolosa.  His lunch was only "pancit" with  bread.

At 5:00pm I immediately went home to check if he was ok.  Well, he was happy having taken  his exams.  It was all multiple choice and I pressumed he has used the "guessing method" except for English which I believed he could answer albeit his absences.  Again, I was so thankful to God for his endless blessings to him, although that night until now he's again having cough...but not coughing blood. 

I am not giving him any medicines now since he has recently completed his antiobiotics for 7 days.  I just let him take FERN C once a day.

He's now enjoying his school break from Oct. 27 to Nov. 2 in time for the All Saint's and Soul's Day celebration. 

I am not sure if he could go back to school again on Nov. 3.  I am just so thankful that his teachers do understand his condition. I knew his father is glad that he was able to take the exam and eventually continue his schooling.

God knows everything....and that's why I offer everything to him particularly Biloi's case.

To God be the Glory!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

July 27, 2011 - Episode of hemoptysis again

Early morning on July 26, Biloi happily woke up and got himself for school.  As usual I thanked God for this blessings. 

He arrived home safe that day.  The next morning he again woke up ahead of me and went to school.  He did not brough food for lunch because he will render half-day in school.

I reported for work and was so busy that I wasn't able to check my cellphone.  At about 2 p.m. I read the text message of Unang, my househelper requesting me to call home because Biloi had hemoptysis.  My husband even send message to me to immediately go home.  He was also on his duty at their camp.  I called home and instructed Unang to let him take hemostan and drink more water.  I could not go home immediately due to pressing work in the office.

Despite the incident, I was still thankful to God because that day I drew the salary of my husband.  At lease I can buy medicine and foods for Biloi.  I went home at  4:00 p.m., arrived home almost 5:30 and was happy to see that Biloi is somewhat ok.  Past 6 p.m. his father also arrived from his duty.  Again, we explain to him that we could no longer admit him to the hospital due to financial constraint.  This time, his hemoptysis is mild compared that of July 2008 wherein we almost thought he could no longer recover.

Until now, Biloi could not report to school.  I just informed his Adviser and just contributed some amount of money for their acquintance party.  He has still minimal on an off episode of hemoptysis, hence I could not allow him to report to school yet. I even told him to stop schooling, but he insists to continue his studies.  It's because of his friends in school and his ambition to work in a car company someday.

He even saved P72.00 from his allowance and requested me to add some amount  and I bought him a Hot Wheels (Muscle Mania) '71 Dodge Charger with free Hot Wheels Poster which again makes him so happy despite his present condition.  I also bought him 4 pcs. of car magazine & Booksale.

We pray hard for his hemoptysis to stop so he could take his first grading examination next week.  I always believe that God will hear our prayers.

To God be the Glory!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Biloi's latest Car Drawings

Biloi's on an off episode of hemopthesis from July 27 to September 3, 2011, made him absent from school and haven't taken his 1st grading examinations.  Fortunately, Mr. Gaganao, the School Principal and his teachers really understand his condition.  I even told them that he better quit schooling due to his absenses but they told me that it's up for him to decide when to come back to school depending on his condition. According to them, quitting would even worsen his condition being deprived of associating with classmates and friends. During his stay at home, I can't force him to read and study.  His mind is always  occupied   about cars...playing car race in the computer, watching again DVD for Fast and Furious and other movies about cars and most of all making his own car drawings despite coughing blood.  I am just so thankful that God continues to hear our prayers to extend his life.  We really felt guilty since we could  no longer provide him the needed medical treatment.  As if we just entrust him to God's love and mercy,  Hemostan 500mg 3 x a day was the only medicine we have provided him. No more check-up and medical work-ups. All because of financial constraints which I knew, Biloi would surely understand.

Below are photos of Biloi's new car drawings taken by him using the digital camera  borrowed by his Kuya Rouen from Dana, his college classmate.  No coloring was and white, as usual.    

Yesterday, Biloi reported to school despite his severe coughing...not with blood this time but with phlegm only.  Today I told him not to report to school.  Hopefully, tomorrow he could go to school again.

To God be the Glory for Biloi's continues existence!

Biloi's design of a Porsche

Biloi forgot to label this drawing...I can't imagine riding in this car.
This is Shelby for Biloi Biloi looks at it


Unfortunately I don't have camera so I just scanned Biloi's drawings in our printer and saved it in a CD so I can upload his latest car drawings.

Since childhood, he really likes cars....collecting, seeing movies about cars, riding in cars and started making his own simple pencil drawings of cars.

He has no specific criteria for making drawings.  For as long as he likes to draw, he made it  even on scrap papers.   I don't even understand why he seldom color his drawings.  I do believe that it really makes him happy whenever he draws car... whatever and no matter how it looks like.

 He always told me that maybe someday he could make his own car design.  Anyway, there's no cost for wishing something which, maybe for us is impossible.  That's why I encourage him that whenever he feels good, he must go to school.  I am fervently praying and hoping that he could finish a college course so he could apply as sales agent in a car company where his interest lies.

I always believe that with God's grace and miracle, nothing is impossible here on earth.  That maybe someday, Biloi could really work in a car company here in our country. 
It's Biloi's great FAITH in God that makes him survive. God bless my son!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

After almost 2 weeks of absence from school

Biloi reported on the first day of school last June 6, 2011.  However, due to colds, cough and fever he has to be absent for almost 2 weeks due to his medication. 

 I just gave him his usual medication everytime he got fever and cough without proper consultation from our Rural Health Physician.  Paracetamol, Ambroxol and Amoxcillin 500mg for 7 days.   His fever was gone however, his colds and cough continues so I requested Unang, our househelper to accompany him to Dra. Benitez, our RHP.  He was given another antibiotics (Cefalixin) for another 7 days. 

He completed his medication and while he's still coughing occasionally, he reported back to school last Monday, July 11. Once again, God showed His mercy and miracle to him.  I can see in his face the happiness of being in school again with his friends.

I really thanked God that  he has no episode of hymoptesis while taking his medication,  Cough triggered his previous episodes that's why I am always worried whenever he got colds and cough.

I always try to be optimistic, believing and hoping that God will continue to extend his life.  I am really looking forward that he could finish high school and eventually a college course which will give him the opportunity to work in a car company someday.

To God be the Glory!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Biloi as 2nd Year High School

I always thanked God for his continued blessings and miracle given to my son.  Yes, despite his minimal  and on-and-off episode of hemoptysis last April 24 until end of May 2011, I was convinced thru advise of     Mr. Gaganao, the School Principal  and other teachers of Tolosa National High School  to enroll him as 2nd Yr.  Also, my husband and other children told me also to let him go to school for he will only be bored at home.  Anyway, the school always understand him knowing his heart condition.

June 6 was his first day of school.  As usual, I accompany him bringing along his personal stand fan to be used in their classroom. Mano Bening is still his driver to school paid on a monthly basis. He requested transfer of section to his former classmates in first year and it was granted.  Again, I have to explain to his adviser, Mrs. Dagami who is also very kind and accommodating despite our difference in religious affilliation.  Their room is located in the 2nd floor and I asked Biloi if he could manage going up and down the stairs and he seemed okay.  Unlike at the SMDC during his 1st day in school as 1st year wherein he almost fainted going up and down the stairs.  That's why he transferred to this school.  I believed, it was the happy feelings of being with his friends that enable  him to endure  going up and down that stairway.

While I have fears that his hemoptysis might recurr anytime, yet I just pray and offer everything to God.  I knew that Biloi is really optimistic of living a longer and happy life with us and with his friends.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fiesta celebration

Once again, we will celebrate our barangay fiesta in honor of Nuesta Sra. de Salvacion on May 15-16, 2011.

Biloi and her sisters are happy to attend and share candies with children after the daily novena which will end on May 15 with the traditional procession within our Barangay.  However, he is somewhat disappointed because both our barangay and church officials had not undertaken any repair on our dilapidated church despite that the church organization has existing funds. How I wish I could do something but we have also limited resources.  All we can contribute are candles and some goodies for the nine days novena. I knew Mama Mary will understand our limitations because we have done our part during Biloi's turn as mass sponsor.

Hopefully with God's continuous grace, we are hoping that Biloi will still reach 18 years old, which is 4 years from now and his 3rd time to be the Mass Sponsor as promised. (every 6 years of his existence). By that time, I believed we can again do major repair of our church.

While I am happy to celebrate and give thanks to God, to Mama Mary and to all Saints for thier intercession and to all the people for their prayers for my son's existence, I still have little fears that Biloi might have episode again of hemoptysis which first happened last May 16, 2007 and with minimal episode this April 24, 2011.

But I believed God is always good and he has all the best reasons for everything that happens to us. And Nuestra Sra. de Salvacion is always there for my son.



Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Biloi's summer life

As usual, my children just spend their summer vacation at home.  While perhaps they wished to go to other places or even just to their grandparents at Borongan, Eastern Samar, however, financial matters is a major factor.  Besides, the nature of their father's work and mine also won't allow.

But i believed, happiness for Biloi is just be allowed to play car race (NFS -Carbon) in our computer, to have at least (2) new collectible toy cars, to read back issues of magazines about cars (which I bought from Booksale ranging from P5.00 to 25.00 each), to draw cars, have a cup of coffee with milk at least 3 times a day with matching tasty bread.  Likewise, he enjoyed watching DVD about car race.  I almost believed that cars occupy 90% of his brain that he even told me that he keeps dreaming about car racing.

He likewise spent time playing with Reo "Princess" in their "Bahay-kubo" which they always repeat every summer. But the weather this summer is not so favorable unlike in the previous summer.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Biloi's final exams today

Today and tomorrow is Biloi's final exams.  Finally, his 1st year level is almost done.  While I knew that he would no longer be included in the top 10 ranking caused by his frequent  absences from classes, I am still happy and grateful to God for He has given Biloi the chance to enjoy schooling and experience the love and care of his teachers and classmates.

I had to admit, that oftentimes I forgot that he is only living thru God's grace.  Sometimes, I insist that he goes to school every morning not knowing his real feelings and condition.  I even told  Ma'am Baylon, his adviser that I would no longer send him to school next year since I find it useless because of his frequent absenses. But Ma'am Baylon told me not to deprive him for enjoying high school life  with his classmates and friends.  Besides, according to her, he's good in class despite his absences and that they understand his condition.  Hearing this words, I somehow feel guilty. 

Well, after his exams he may no longer report to school.  Rather, I will allow him to play his favorite car game (Need for Speed - Carbon) in our computer acquired thru installment basis.

He really likes cars....I can't help but just watch him enjoy the race....draws lots of cars in his unused notebooks and drink coffee with milk with matching bread at least 3 times a day.

I wish I could always be  with him....but life is so uncertain.  That's why I must scold and discipline him whenever necessary despite his heart condition, which he understands and knew the reason... my LOVE for him.

Once again, thank you so much for God's miracle thru the intercession of Nuestra Sra. de Salvacion.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Biloi's 14th birthday

Tomorrow , February 15 is Biloi's 14th birthday.  I am so thankful to Almighty God, to Nuestra Sra. de Salvacion, to all the saints for their intercession, to my family and friends for their continued prayers for him to survive 14 years despite his heart ailment.

We have no celebration at all due to financial constraint.  He and his father will attend mass at 5:30 am tommorow at St. Michael Parish, Tolosa, Leyte where we offered a thanksgiving mass for his 14th birthday. Then they will go to Tacloban City to buy at least 2 of his favorite toy cars (hot wheels or match box) preferrable ferrari brand using the P500.00 christmas gift from his Ninang Alme and Ninong Nonoy.

I filed leave of absence tommorow because I want to spend time with him.  I knew how excited and happy he is to reach this age.  I just keep on hoping that God will extend his life longer.

Once again, it is proven that with God's grace, nothing is impossible.

Special thanks to Dr. Euniel Solinap, Dr. Ryan Guingon, Dr. Ariel Paredes, Dra. Halili, Dra. Liz Etoralde, Dra. Tizza Wisco, Dra. Doodle Carmela, Dr. Willie and Dra. Liza Ong. Ma'am Alim, Becky, Libby, Solie, Belen, Abs, Aleli, Nene, Cora, Ma'am Decena, Sir Decmon, Sr. Joseph, Sir Cyril, Ma'am Gladys, Ma'am Ester, Ma'am Rosita, Ma'am Arlina, his caregivers, Ate Delia and Gilde (my sis-in-laws), Alvin my nephew, Michelle, Mana Mary, Unang and Mano Bening his ever-loyal and kind service from home to school.  Also to my parents-in-law, Ate Belen, Ate Lou, Marcia (my sis-in-laws), Rivah, Irah, Glenda, Rebecca (my niece), Arnel, Jboy, Andrew,  Jan-Jan, Ariel (my nephew) for their kindness and understanding.